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Green Hills

Net Zero Homes 

With a strong commitment to sustainable development, the government is actively supporting this transition  

  • The Eko Cashback Mortgage offers a £1,000 payout for improving the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating.

  • Moving from EPC rating D to C can increase property value by £9,003 (average 12.5% increase).

  • Government incentives cover a portion of installation costs for sustainable measures.

  • Tax incentives include benefits for purchasing hybrid vehicles and making energy-efficient renovations.

  • Tax incentives also apply to improvements in HVAC and water heating systems.

Solar PV

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Solar panels offer numerous benefits for homeowners and the environment in London.

  1. Renewable energy: Solar panels harness the abundant sunlight in London to generate clean, renewable energy. By utilizing solar power, homeowners reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, helping combat climate change.

  2. Cost savings: Installing solar panels can lead to significant cost savings over time. Solar energy reduces reliance on traditional energy sources, resulting in lower electricity bills for homeowners. Additionally, the UK government's Feed-in Tariff and Smart Export Guarantee programs provide financial incentives for homeowners who generate excess solar energy.

  3. Return on investment: Solar panels are a long-term investment with a strong potential for returns. Not only do they lower energy bills, but they can also increase the value of your property. Solar-powered homes often have a higher resale value and attract eco-conscious buyers.

  4. Energy independence: By producing their own electricity, homeowners with solar panels gain a level of energy independence. They are less vulnerable to rising energy costs, power outages, and utility disruptions, ensuring a more stable and reliable energy supply.

  5. Reduced carbon footprint: Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of power that produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. By installing solar panels, homeowners actively contribute to reducing carbon emissions and promoting a cleaner, more sustainable future for London and the planet.

  6. Government incentives: In addition to the financial benefits mentioned earlier, the UK government offers various incentives to support solar energy adoption. These include the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the Green Homes Grant, which provide funding and support for renewable energy installations, including solar panels.

  7. Long lifespan and low maintenance: Solar panels have a long lifespan, typically ranging from 25 to 30 years or more. They require minimal maintenance, with occasional cleaning to ensure optimal performance. This durability and low maintenance make solar panels a reliable and hassle-free investment for homeowners.

It's important to note that specific benefits may vary depending on factors such as the size of the solar system, energy consumption, available sunlight, and local regulations. Consulting with a solar energy professional can provide more tailored information for your specific situation.

Heat pumps

Radiator Temperature Wheel

Heat pumps provide several advantages compared to traditional boilers when used for heating houses.

  1. Energy efficiency: Heat pumps are highly energy efficient, as they transfer heat from the air, ground, or water to provide heating. Unlike boilers that burn fossil fuels to generate heat, heat pumps use electricity to move heat, resulting in significant energy savings. Heat pumps can achieve high-efficiency levels, often surpassing 300% or more, meaning they produce more energy than the electricity they consume.

  2. Lower operating costs: Due to their energy efficiency, heat pumps can result in lower operating costs compared to boilers. By reducing the reliance on expensive fossil fuels, homeowners can save money on their heating bills over the long term. Additionally, heat pumps can benefit from off-peak electricity rates, further reducing costs.

  3. Environmental friendliness: Heat pumps are considered a more environmentally friendly heating option compared to boilers. They produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions since they utilize renewable energy sources or electricity. By choosing a heat pump, homeowners can actively contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and combating climate change.

  4. Versatility: Heat pumps offer both heating and cooling capabilities, making them versatile systems for year-round comfort. In addition to providing efficient heating during winter, heat pumps can reverse the cycle to provide cooling in the summer, eliminating the need for separate air conditioning units.

  5. Long lifespan: Heat pumps typically have a longer lifespan compared to boilers. While boilers typically last around 10 to 15 years, heat pumps can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance. This longevity ensures a more durable and reliable heating solution for homeowners.

  6. Safety: Heat pumps do not involve combustion processes, which eliminates the risk of carbon monoxide leaks or explosions associated with boilers. This enhances safety in the home and provides peace of mind for homeowners.

It's worth noting that heat pump performance can vary depending on factors such as climate, insulation levels, and system sizing. Consulting with a qualified HVAC professional can help determine the suitability of a heat pump for your specific house and heating requirements.

Internal and external insulation

Insulation Detail

Both internal and external insulation offer benefits for homeowners in terms of improving energy efficiency, reducing heat loss, and enhancing comfort levels in the home. 

Internal Insulation:

  1. Thermal comfort: Internal insulation involves adding insulation materials to the interior surfaces of external walls. This helps to reduce heat loss and maintain a comfortable temperature inside the home, resulting in improved thermal comfort for occupants.

  2. Cost-effective solution: Internal insulation is generally more cost-effective compared to external insulation. It requires less labor and materials since it doesn't involve altering the external appearance of the building.

  3. Flexibility: Internal insulation can be applied to various types of buildings, including those with architectural constraints or restrictions on external modifications. It offers flexibility in terms of installation options, allowing homeowners to choose the most suitable approach for their specific situation.

  4. Minimal disruption: Installing internal insulation is relatively non-disruptive to the occupants during the construction process. It can be carried out without major structural changes or the need to vacate the property.

External Insulation:

  1. Enhanced energy efficiency: External insulation involves adding insulation materials to the external walls of a building, which provides a continuous layer of thermal protection. This significantly reduces heat loss, improves energy efficiency, and lowers heating and cooling costs.

  2. Improved aesthetics: External insulation can enhance the appearance of a building by providing a fresh, updated exterior finish. It allows for a wide range of design options, including different textures, colors, and finishes, helping to improve the overall aesthetics of the property.

  3. Reduced condensation and moisture issues: By insulating the exterior walls, external insulation helps to prevent cold spots and condensation build-up on internal surfaces. This reduces the risk of dampness, mold growth, and associated health issues.

  4. Noise reduction: External insulation can also offer improved sound insulation properties, reducing the transmission of external noise into the building and vice versa, leading to a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment.

  5. Protection for the building structure: External insulation acts as a protective barrier, shielding the building from weather elements and extending the lifespan of the external walls. It helps to prevent moisture ingress, cracking, and deterioration of the building materials.

It's important to note that the choice between internal and external insulation depends on various factors, including the building type, architectural considerations, budget, and local regulations. Consulting with a qualified insulation professional can help determine the most suitable insulation method for your specific needs and requirements.

Windows and doors


Upgrading windows and doors can significantly contribute to increased heat retention in a home. Here are some benefits and considerations when it comes to energy-efficient windows and doors:


  1. Improved insulation: Energy-efficient windows are designed with advanced insulation properties, such as double or triple glazing, low-emissivity (low-E) coatings, and gas-filled panes. These features help to reduce heat transfer and minimize drafts, resulting in improved thermal insulation and increased heat retention inside the home.

  2. Energy savings: By upgrading to energy-efficient windows, homeowners can reduce heat loss during winter and heat gain during summer, leading to lower heating and cooling costs. These windows help maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, reducing the reliance on heating and cooling systems.

  3. Enhanced comfort: Energy-efficient windows can reduce drafts and cold spots near windows, creating a more comfortable living environment. They can also help to minimize condensation on the glass, improving overall comfort and air quality in the home.

  4. Noise reduction: Energy-efficient windows with multiple glazing layers and specialized coatings can provide better sound insulation, reducing the amount of external noise that enters the home. This results in a quieter and more peaceful living space.


  1. Insulation and weather sealing: Upgrading exterior doors to energy-efficient options with proper insulation and weather sealing helps prevent air leaks and drafts. This improves heat retention and prevents cold air from infiltrating the home, leading to increased energy efficiency and reduced heating costs.

  2. Security and durability: Energy-efficient doors often come with enhanced security features, such as sturdy frames, multiple locking points, and impact-resistant materials. Additionally, they are typically built to withstand the elements and offer better durability, ensuring long-term performance and protection.

  3. Aesthetics and value: Energy-efficient doors come in a variety of styles, designs, and finishes, allowing homeowners to enhance the curb appeal of their property. The aesthetic improvement can add value to the home and create a positive impression.

When considering window and door upgrades for heat retention, it's essential to choose products that meet local energy efficiency standards and regulations. Consulting with professionals or window and door specialists can help determine the most suitable options for your specific needs and budget, ensuring optimal heat retention and energy savings in your home.

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